Because I’m naturally an optimist and choose happiness most of the time, there’s a large contingent of people out there who think I never get mad. Or am crabby.
I hate to burst your bubble, but that isn’t so. Just ask my husband. 😉
My life has its ups and downs, just like anybody else. I have had days where I longed to be on a beach with a nice cold drink that looks like a salad and forget about the huge albatross that’s hanging over my head.
Or why I wonder why I ever wanted dogs. Or a house bigger than 900 sq. ft. Or why I ever wanted to leave a job where I didn’t get a paycheck every two weeks.
I’ve been through things that I hope some of the rest of you NEVER have to go through; just as some of you have been through things that make you feel the same way.
I read a book years ago which told me that something good always came out of something bad. Sometimes you just have to look for it.
So I started making a game out of it.
A week and a half ago, after I posted about going to the Leadership Retreat, I came down with a bad case of sinusitis. Like, my face felt like it was going to explode. (I’m sure you’ve been there.)
I missed the whole last weekend of the NEMO Fair and my favorite events. Dang.
I felt tired and draggy for a good part of the week. Dang. It’s hard to be creative when you’re crabby. (See? I told you I was crabby sometimes!)
Every day, I tried to identify something good that came out of it:
I spent lots of quality time at home with my girls, and didn’t have to have someone babysit.
I caught up on all my DVR’d episodes of The Pioneer Woman. (I love the Pioneer Woman.)
I made it most of the way through a large stack of magazines that had piled up during and after our trip to Florida.
I got to spend lots of time at home…and I LOVE being at home.
I’m neurotically organized, so for me…this was great stuff.
It was good that I was able to rest and recover, because I had a really busy week at work. (Which explains why I was a putz and didn’t post the rest of last week.)
I’m not saying that the good things outweigh the bad things. But what I am saying is that usually, there’s something good that happens that might not have happened otherwise.
Sometimes it’s a life lesson that you’ve learned; a relationship rebuilt; a missed event that might have been a blessing in disguise; a loved one who’s suffered terribly may finally be at peace; or a rest that your body needed your schedule wouldn’t allow otherwise.
The old saying “When a door closes, a window opens” really IS true. You just have to look for it.
So try it next time…you might find it changes your outlook just a little.
And what does this picture have to do with anything? We clearly missed watching a beautiful sunset…but look at those colors behind beautiful Daytona. How often does a good opportunity to get a picture like that come along! 🙂